Module qlibs.gui.widgets.controller¶
- class qlibs.gui.widgets.controller.WindowWidgetController¶
Converts events from glfw window to qlibs format and sends them to nodes.
additional_event_handler field will be called when event wasn’t used. If force_send_events is set to True it will be called anyway.
- assign_to_window(win)¶
- check_reselect(window)¶
- get_selected_node(window)¶
- get_window_node(window)¶
- handle_to_selected(window, event)¶
- is_node_selected(node)¶
- key_handler(window, key, mods)¶
- make_current()¶
- mouse_button_handler(window, button, action, mods)¶
- mouse_position_handler(window, x, y)¶
- resize_handler(window, width, height)¶
- scroll_handler(window, x, y)¶
- send_mouse_event(window, scroll_y=0)¶
- set_selected_node(window, node)¶
- set_window_node(window, node)¶
- spec_key_handler(window, key, ukey, pressed, mods)¶
- unassign_from_window(win)¶
- qlibs.gui.widgets.controller.null_event_handler(event)¶